Treatment Time 1-3小时,面部一小时,身体治疗视情况而定
Duration of Results 1周-2周
Results 3-6次治疗为一个疗程
Downtime 3天-1周
Dermapen弹力微针疗法是一项能够高效解决皮肤问题的先进美肤技术。 本质上是用微针在皮肤表面造成数千个微孔,利用皮肤的自愈能力和再生机制刺激胶原蛋白的产生,可以促进细胞活化,解决肌底炎症。使皮肤的弹性,毛孔,痘痘疤痕等问题得到很好的修复。
Derma Revive Skin Clinic使用的是来自西班牙百年护肤世家Mesoestetic美斯蒂克的Dermapen仪器,12根医疗级的微针精确快速的穿透皮肤,高频振动高达120次/秒,搭配Derma Revive团队研制的高端院线医疗级产品(15%浓度的玻尿酸原液)进行治疗。
弹力微针Dermapen 革新了微型皮肤针刺技术,与传统的Derma滚针技术相比,Dermapen治疗效果更突出,可以自动调节微针速度、压力和穿透力,目标准确,治疗时间也更快。
Mesoestetic Dermapen产品功能:
微针的高频振动高达120次/秒,对皮肤表皮造成轻微创伤。创伤后,免疫系统立即被激活,以修复皮肤,刺激皮肤新陈代谢,增加胶原蛋白的再生。同时,微针直接穿透真皮层,提高Derma Revive 15%玻尿酸原液的吸收率,改善各种皮肤问题。通过反复治疗,逐步细化毛孔,去除毛孔、痘印、皱纹和疤痕等,使皮肤恢复活力。
弹力微针单次治疗时间:1小时 (皮肤需表面麻醉)
Dermapen+PRP Rejuvenation术前自查及注意事项:
Dermapen+PRP Rejuvenation术后注意事项:
The Dermapen or Micro needling is a motorised and more precise version of the traditional Derma Roller. It produces collagen by piercing tiny needles into the treated skin area and causing the body’s natural healing process to occur. The healing process increases skin collagen and elastin by plumping the area and reducing scarring and pigmentation and leaving the skin smooth and healthy.
Dermapen Microneedling is a piston-driven, motorised version of the traditional Derma Roller that is more precise and effective. The procedure uses 12 ultra-thin surgical steel needles that go up and down thousands of times per second to create micro tears in the skin. As the tiny wounds heal rapidly, the downtime is minimal-one day or less.
Despite what you might expect, you will not feel a pinch when tiny needles are stamped into your skin. A topical anaesthetic is applied before the procedure to ensure your comfort. The Dermapen has been a great success with everyone who has used it, and some even have compared it to a rather rough massage.
Yes, the treatment is completely safe. The dermapen treatment does not pierce the skins natural barrier, only penetrating into the epidermis and dermis to stimulate collagen production. The epidermis and dermis heals rapidly, usually in a matter of hours, and the skin should be completely back to normal within 24 to 48 hours.
You will begin to see the results immediately after the treatment, your skin will be plump, smooth and radiant. However, depending on the skin concern, the results will take 3-4 weeks.
Unlike the Dermal Roller you can set the penetration depth of the needles from 0.2 – 2.5mm which puts you in control of the results you want to achieve. You can also treat different areas at different depths to really tailor the treatment to your skin. Dermapen can also reach more areas then the Derma Roller and being motorised leaves you with a more even treatment. Better results are also achieved due the needles going straight up and down leaving neater more consistent micro tears. The dermal roller rolls over the skin leaving larger uneven trenches which can lead to larger pores. See the video above for a clip explaining the difference.
I am finishing up my first 8 treatment package of laser and my practitioner (Maria) has been an absolute dream!!! She is always friendly and makes me feel comfortable. She listens to me and is happy to work with me to achieve results and she is always so quick!
Jyoti Dabb
Soho Clinic Customer
I am finishing up my first 8 treatment package of laser and my practitioner (Maria) has been an absolute dream!!! She is always friendly and makes me feel comfortable. She listens to me and is happy to work with me to achieve results and she is always so quick!
Jyoti Dabb
Soho Clinic Customer
I am finishing up my first 8 treatment package of laser and my practitioner (Maria) has been an absolute dream!!! She is always friendly and makes me feel comfortable. She listens to me and is happy to work with me to achieve results and she is always so quick!
Jyoti Dabb
Soho Clinic Customer
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